Thursday, August 26, 2010

a visit long overdue.

we went for a visit to grampa jack's house today. it was a much needed "get outside" day, and a much needed visit with grampa jack. madelynn talked about it all night last night saying things like, "mommy, i love grampa jack! do you think he remembers me?" that made me realize we need to make that drive way more often! 

grampa jack's house is extra special because it is on a bluff overlooking the water, with an electric tram that goes right from his backyard down to a rocky beach.

maximus was in complete awe the whole time. he saw rocks and played with seaweed. he saw airplanes and witnessed a blue heron looking for lunch on the water, before spreading its ginormous (when did that word make it into the dictionary?!) wings and taking off. it was fantastic. and lovely. and we want to go back. forever.

my girl was treasure hunting the whole time. the whole family--aunts, uncles, grandparents, children, everyone!-- takes agate hunting quite seriously at this beach. but madelynn was in love with nearly all the rocks and would have brought then all home in her pockets if she could have.

maxi also thought that maybe despite the breezy, rainy weather, today might be a good day for a swim. 


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