madelynn and i are learning to embroider.

i learned to use power tools and built a bookcase for my bedroom.

i painted the wall above our bed, inspired by some wall stickers i saw a long time ago.

i used my new-found skills to also make a toy-shelf-unit for the playroom.

my favorite part is the puzzle section.

oh, and check out the sweet ball i made from anna maria horner's book. instead of filling it with fiberfill, i left a hole in the cover so a balloon can be slipped inside and then inflated. it makes for an indoors-safe bouncy ball.

i put some stylish organization in my life.

karl helped me set up my sewing corner...

...which inspired me to get my paintings out.
i did the black and white one before we were married.
it has a ladybug on it.
i did the black and white one before we were married.
it has a ladybug on it.
Lady you are Amazing...I aspire to be more like you...You put a smile on my face!