Wednesday, August 7, 2013

attics and pinterest and stuff

So... my husband and I are taking a class at our church right now, called Timesavers Marriage, and we took this "time style" quiz. It was no surprise that my "time style" is Dreamer. Right mom, right? So that is why, even though we just moved in and haven't even painted our living room yet, which means we haven't hung photos on the wall, and we may not have even finished unpacking everything, and we have ZERO budget for things like large renovations and won't for years and when we do the kitchen is no. 1 on the list, I have already decided that one day we will build stairs to our attic and add dormers. And if you follow me on pinterest, you'll see some awesome inspiration pins for how to use the space, and also lots of other pins for ridiculous projects and makeovers that I have no intention of ever doing, but the photos are so pretty I couldn't help but click "pin". Somehow that dang site tends to suck the hours out of my day, often times wasting all of what could actually be productive moments while Milo-man naps. But hey, if we ever win the lottery, at least I know how I want my attic. ;)
here are two of my favorite ideas:

from the nato's: attic renovation. before and after pictures.  because one day we'll build stairs up to our attic. and dormers.

Attic converted to year round 'camp' indoors -- perfect for parties, sleepovers, or date nights.


  1. Oh, the home budget ... I totally hear ya on it being years until all the Pinterest things happen. At least until then our homes are full of love! Even if there isn't enough furniture to sit on which our current problem :)
